Nuances, Documentation Challenges and Easily Missed Details in the ACS Trauma Standards – Trauma System News

Thanks to the Grey Book, trauma center standards from the American College of Surgeons are more straightforward and user-friendly than ever. However, trauma program leaders still struggle with requirements that can be difficult to interpret — and for many standards, the right way to demonstrate compliance is unclear.
This webinar with trauma center management expert Angie Chisolm takes a close look at several dozen ACS trauma standards that can be hard to decode. Based on the compliance issues she has seen in trauma centers across the country, Angie helps trauma program leaders understand what the standards are asking for, demonstrate compliance and prepare effectively for their ACS site visit.
Click below to view the webinar recording on demand and download the presentation:
During this one-hour webinar, attendees will learn:
- Subtle details in the ACS standards that most trauma program leaders are missing
- Key details found in the PRQ that shed light on Grey Book requirements
- Tips for providing the “process” information that surveyors are looking for
- How to demonstrate compliance when the only MOC is “Evaluated during the site visit process”
Sponsored by Optimal Healthcare Advisors, this webinar is designed for trauma program managers, TMDs, PI coordinators, trauma education specialists, state trauma system leaders, trauma data professionals and anyone who helps ensure their trauma center maintains strong compliance with ACS standards.
Angela Chisolm, MBA/HCM, BSN, RN, CFRN, TCRN
President & Managing Partner
Optimal Healthcare Advisors
Angie Chisolm is a nationally recognized expert in trauma program management, trauma PI, operational efficiency, site survey readiness, and coding and billing. She has helped trauma centers nationwide build effective trauma teams, implement quality initiatives, improve P&L performance, prepare effectively for ACS and state surveys, and upgrade their designation level.