“How do you manage irritability?”

One more smidgen of stimuli and you’ll blow. “Okay, I let it build up and now I’m right at critical mass. I need to get out of here, but it would be awkward right now. I hate this. Someone please tell me, how do you manage irritability?”
And irritability can present in a variety of ways. For instance, when I’m irritable I tend to isolate – not wanting to deal with unwanted stimuli or tick off “innocent bystanders.”
Our friend above is having a go with irritability. Maybe he got up on the wrong side of the bed. Could be he has generalized anxiety disorder – who knows? I just hope he’ll find a way to manage it.
Irritability can be a major problem – for the “irritablee” and those around her or him.
In addition to being something anyone may experience, irritability is a known symptom of numerous emotional and mental, as well as physical, disorders. To name a few: generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, low blood sugar, and PMS.
What is irritability?
I’m sure you have a handle on what irritability is; however, let’s go ahead and look at a formal definition. I like this one from Psychology Wiki…
An excessive response to stimuli. It may be viewed as both an emotional state and a personality trait. The term irritability is both used for the physiological reaction to stimuli and for the psychological, abnormal or excessive sensitivity to stimuli. Irritability may manifest in behavioural responses to both physiological as well as behavioural stimuli – the latter including areas of environmental, situational, sociological, and emotional stimulus.
As though irritability isn’t enough, frequently accompanying are concentration issues or confusion, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, and fast or shallow breathing. That makes sense, given irritability often triggers our fight/flight response.
Let’s keep in mind that irritability can be a cycling disaster. I don’t have to tell you that when we’re irritable, the little things bother us more.
The resulting tension and unrest can make us even more sensitive, turning little things into big things. So irritability intensifies and the cycling begins.
And irritability can present in a variety of ways. For instance, when I’m irritable I tend to isolate – not wanting to deal with unwanted stimuli or tick off “innocent bystanders.”
An even bigger sign is a gnawing feeling of anxiety and unsettledness. It took me a while to connect the dots on that one,
What causes irritability?

“I’m wondering if I’m irritable when I’m asleep. What’s happening to me? Where is this coming from?”
In reviewing the causes of irritability, let’s begin with some neurophysiology. I mean, for irritability to present, something has to be happening in the brain, right?
For chronic cases of irritability that have no known cause, studies have pointed a finger at three major brain neural systems: the prefrontal areas that drive inhibitory control and emotional regulation, areas of the cortex and below that manage reward processing as it applies to frustrating stimuli, and regions of the cortex and below involved with threat and arousal processing, particularly when it comes to social fairness or threat.
Now, any of us can become irritable most any time. That’s just part of being human. But if we become extremely irritable, or experience irritability for extended periods of time, we may be dealing with underlying emotional and mental or physical situations that may require attention.
Common causes
Consider these common causes of irritability…
- Generalized anxiety disorder (and other anxiety presentations)
- Stress
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Depressive disorders
- Bipolar disorders
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Borderline personality disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Sleep deprivation
- Low blood sugar
- Ear infection
- Toothache
- Diabetes and related symptoms
- Respiratory disorders
- Influenza
- Menopause
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Substance use disorders (including caffeine and nicotine)
As with any condition we discuss, identifying the cause – triggers – of our irritability is crucial in securing relief.
How is irritability treated?
When it comes to treating troubling irritability, again, understanding its cause(s) is crucial. If one is experiencing irritability and has been diagnosed with any of the above, it makes sense that treating the malady will likely bring relief. So treatment is driven by underlying cause.
Managing lifestyle habits is huge when it comes to dealing with irritability. You know the biggies: sleep, exercise, stress, diet, mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, and more. Journaling and mood tracking are also helpful.
7 quick ways
I came across an excellent article on Psychology Today that’s a great fit here. 7 Quick Ways to Stop Being Irritable, by Guy Winch, PhD, offers some great insight and advice.
Here’s a summary of his “7 Quick Ways”…
- Figure out the source – and address it.
- Reduce caffeine and alcohol
- It’s often the little things: Just because they “shouldn’t” doesn’t mean they don’t. Even acknowledging irritability often takes the edge off.
- Get in touch with your compassion: To yourself first, then others you may be impacting.
- Gain perspective: Think about what’s going well, and things for which you can be grateful.
- Rid yourself of nervous energy: In the irritable immediate, consider a quick walk or run. Maybe some push-ups or crunches. Become as physical as you’re able.
- Get quiet or alone time: Take a break and think things through. Listen to music, meditate, do some yoga, etc.
I’m sure you can come up with more.
Get after it
Irritability is a fact of life – we’re human. But when it becomes intense or sticks around for extended periods of time, we need to self-examine and if indicated, get some help. It’s only fair to ourselves and those around us.
So being irritable because you got up on the wrong side of the bed or because you have an emotional, mental, or physical illness – now you’ve added knowledge to aid in management.
Get after it.
In addition to 7 Quick Ways to Stop Being Irritable. I encourage you to check out all of Dr. Winch’s work on Psychology Today. Thanks to Healthline for a portion of the info.
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After a decades-long battle with panic, generalized anxiety, fluctuating moods, and alcohol dependence; Bill finally found his life’s passion and work – lending a hand to those in the same boat. At age 49 he hit grad school and earned his counseling credentials. And he continues his service through Chipur and other projects.