Healing from CPTSD | Jack’s Recovery Story
About Jack: Jack is a child sexual abuse survivor who was diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) 6 years ago and is an advocate for men’s mental health and raising awareness of the complexities of living with CPTSD. WHAT WAS THE MAJOR TURNING POINT IN YOUR RECOVERY FROM CPTSD? I lived many years of […]
Hannah’s Story – Australasian Birth Trauma Association
Content warning: This birth story discusses trauma. Topics discussed include severe tearing, sexual assault, PTSD, lack of trauma-informed care, and mental health struggles. If you are seeking support for your birth trauma, we have downloadable resources here or you can join one of our free Peer2Peer Support programs. It is unfortunate that sometimes in life we can […]
Joshua’s Story of Suffering in Silence
About Joshua: My name is Joshua Woodall, and I recently graduated from Wheaton College with a major in communications and a minor in Chinese. I currently work with my father at Rootstock, which is focused on executive leadership coaching and development for all sorts of businesses. This past year, I launched a clothing brand focusing […]
Ketamine infusion therapy: Hannah’s story
In emotional agony, Rick pounds his fist on the table and says, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” With a few modifications, he could be talking about struggling with an emotional or mental health issue. He likened ketamine infusion to a reset button on […]
What is ayahuasca? Patricia’s story
There are countless interventions for emotional and mental distress and illness. Some are evidence-based and some are, shall we say, interesting. For instance, using ayahuasca. Let’s catch Patricia’s story. Transformative experiences inevitably lead to uncomfortable, frightening places. They shift your paradigm but leave old patterns for you to address. I’ve been after longtime Chipur reader […]
One Wife’s Story of Her Husband’s Struggles with Depression in Law School
“True Stories” is a series of guest blogs I am running on mental health in the legal profession. In this article, we explore the affect depression has on loved ones and their struggles to help. Katie has been married to her law student husband for almost four years. She has grown into a more […]
An ADAA Conference Love Story!
Sterling and I first met at ADAA Washington D.C. in April of 2018. It was my first time attending an ADAA Conference. Sterling was working with Dr. Tanja Jovanovic at the Grady Trauma Project at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, while I was working with Dr. Arash Javanbakht in the STARC Lab at Wayne State […]