1 min read
Talk the Talk: What’s the Function? Tangible/Access and Sensory/Automatic Functions of Behavior
Remember, every behavior an organism engages in occurs for one of four reasons (See Right) A quick and easy way to remember the four functions is to remember that Everybody E.A.T.S. (Escape, Attention, Tangible, Sensory)! OK, let’s dive in! Tangible (Access) When a behavior is maintained by access to tangibles, this means that the target […]
3 mins read
Talk the Talk: Don’t Just Sit There…Do Something! Replacement Behaviors
Hey crew, happy to have you back as we continue to explore the ABA terminology! Today we’ll be discussing replacement behaviors. Replacement Behavior: A response that is taught to replace or substitute another behavior in a learner’s repertoire. Usually taught as a safer, more appropriate, or more effective alternative the learner can engage in to […]