16 Feb, 2025
4 mins read

5 Strategies for Utilizing Behavior Contracts to Support Autistic People

Autism is a spectrum disorder characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Each individual with autism is unique, which means tailored approaches are essential for effective support. Importance of Behavior Contracts Behavior contracts are powerful tools that can provide structure, encourage positive behaviors, and support the unique needs of autistic […]

1 min read

Interview with Armando Bernal, a Trailblazing and Resilient Autistic Behavior Analyst

Armando Bernal is a trailblazing, neurodivergent board-certified behavior analyst who supports patients of all ages. In addition, Armando provides autistic consultation, parent and therapist consultation, speaking engagements for companies across the nation, and supervision and mentorship to other BCBAs and therapists. Armando has also participated in several collaborations with Vanderbilt University, The Autism Society of […]

1 min read

Talk the Talk: What’s the Function? Tangible/Access and Sensory/Automatic Functions of Behavior

Remember, every behavior an organism engages in occurs for one of four reasons (See Right) A quick and easy way to remember the four functions is to remember that Everybody E.A.T.S. (Escape, Attention, Tangible, Sensory)! OK, let’s dive in! Tangible (Access) When a behavior is maintained by access to tangibles, this means that the target […]

6 mins read

ABA Insights: It’s Not Always Behavioral! Ruling Out Medical Causes to Challenging Behavior

When working as a BCBA (board certified behavior analyst) with individuals diagnosed with autism/autistic individuals, clients often present with challenging behavior. Data show that children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, such as autism, present with an increased risk of engaging in challenging behavior. The risk of an individual engaging in challenging behavior often increases if a child […]

7 mins read

Applied Behavior Analysis and AI Synergy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding and modifying behavior. It leverages evidence-based techniques to bring about positive and meaningful behavioral changes. ABA therapy works to increase helpfulness and decrease unwanted or harmful behavior. It is effective in many areas, including treating autism and other developmental disorders. Over the past years, artificial […]