What’s the connection between gluten and thyroid health?
Gluten continues to garner a ton of attention. If you have a gluten-related disorder, such as celiac disease, you know why. But what about the rest of the body? For instance, what’s the connection between gluten and thyroid health? If you have celiac disease or a diagnosed wheat allergy, there’s a strong chance you could […]
Talk the Talk: What’s the Function? Tangible/Access and Sensory/Automatic Functions of Behavior
Remember, every behavior an organism engages in occurs for one of four reasons (See Right) A quick and easy way to remember the four functions is to remember that Everybody E.A.T.S. (Escape, Attention, Tangible, Sensory)! OK, let’s dive in! Tangible (Access) When a behavior is maintained by access to tangibles, this means that the target […]