“Are there common gaslighting techniques?” Here are 11

Fact: one of the weapons used by those striving to control us is playing vicious mind games. And they’re so good at them, we often have no idea we’re being victimized. Speaking of which, “Are there common gaslighting techniques?” Here are 11.
’You’ve never known someone with this kind of sick nerve, so you figure they must be telling the truth.’
Perhaps you’re familiar with the 1944 Academy Award winning film, Gaslight, adapted from Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 play, Gas Light.
In the film, Paula Alquist Anton (Ingrid Bergman) and Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer) are married. However, she doesn’t know her husband is actually Sergis Bauer, the man who killed her aunt in a jewelry robbery attempt.
Seems hubby left the jewels behind because Paula interrupted the proceedings – at age 14.
Well, Gregory aims to finish the job, so he forces residence in the old homestead. And he insists that auntie’s furnishings be stored in the attic.
The psychological torture begins
Gregory’s mission is to have Paula declared insane so he can have her institutionalized and be assigned power of attorney. Of course, he’ll then be able to freely search for the jewels.

Gregory and Paula
So Gregory’s psychological torture of Paula begins. His tactics include isolation, accusations of poor judgement and paranoia, and inexplicable footsteps throughout the house.
And all the while, he pounds home the lie that it’s all in Paula’s imagination.
The origin of “gaslighting”
Gaslights throughout the house begin to dim and brighten. Naturally, Paula believes it must be in her head, but it’s Gregory turning on the attic lights as he searches for the jewels.
Well, with the aid of a Scotland Yard inspector, Gregory’s plot and vicious mind game are uncovered. And the best part is, Paula regains confidence in her sanity and slams Gregory with a choice taunt as he’s tied to a chair – before being taken away.
So, then, “gaslighting.”
Dr. Stephanie Sarkis on gaslighting
Dr. Stephanie Sarkis is an expert on gaslighting. In fact, she’s written a book entitled Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People – and Break Free. I’ll slip you a link to get to her at the end.
Gaslighting defined
Here’s Dr. Sarkis’ definition of gaslighting…
A tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality.
She goes on to say anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it’s a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.

A face for the public, one for the victim
Cruelly, it’s done slowly so the victim has no idea just how much they’ve been brainwashed.
The gaslighter often presents one face to their prey and another to everyone else. It leads victims to assume their tale of manipulation won’t be believed, were they to ask for help.
Let there be no doubt, victims are targeted at their very core – their sense of identity and self-worth. So it’s no wonder that gaslighting can cause one to doubt their memory, perception – and sanity.
11 common gaslighting techniques
From her book, Dr. Sarkis shares 11 common gaslighting techniques…
- Telling blatant lies: With a straight face they’re setting up a precedent to keep you unsteady and off-kilter.
- Denying they ever said something, even though you have proof: It’s the beginning of questioning your own reality – and accepting theirs.
- Using what’s near and dear to you as ammunition: Usually the first things attacked are your children and identity – the foundation of your being.
- Wearing you down over time: A lie here, a lie there. Then a snide remark or two. And it all starts to take its toll.
- Actions do not match their words: Look at what they’re doing, rather than what they’re saying. What they’re saying means nothing.
- Throwing in positive reinforcement to confuse you: After cutting you down, they’ll toss in some praise every now and then. It’s calculated to keep you unsteady.
- Knowing confusion weakens people: Knowing stability and normalcy are important, they uproot it to keep you constantly questioning.
- Projecting: They accuse you of all that they are. It’s to make you defend yourself so you’re distracted from their behavior.
- Trying to align people against you: They’re master manipulators, finding people they know will stand by them no matter what. They’ll quote these people saying bad things about you. It’s an effort to isolate you from everyone.
- Telling you or others you’re crazy: One of the most effective tools because it’s dismissive. If they question your sanity, they know others won’t believe you when you present the truth about them.
- Telling you everyone else is a liar: It’s all about having you question your reality. You’ve never known someone with this kind of sick nerve, so you figure they must be telling the truth. It’s manipulation, making you turn to them for “truth.”
Those vicious mind games.
Learn, be aware, and survive
I really hope you’re not having to deal with this madness. If you are, perhaps you’re onto it and working on your freedom. This piece, then, can provide encouragement and support.
But maybe you had no idea what was going on, and now you’re able to connect the dots – and begin the process of breaking free. Believe you can do it, get some help, and take care of biz.
Gaslighting: learn, be aware, and survive.
if this piece hit home, I’m thinking this one will, too: How to handle a narcissist.
It’ll be well worth your time to check out the work of Dr. Stephanie Sarkis. Start at Psychology Today.
And those Chipur emotional and mental illness info and inspiration articles: review all of the titles or by category below.
Film image:: public domain

After a decades-long battle with panic, generalized anxiety, fluctuating moods, and alcohol dependence; Bill finally found his life’s passion and work – lending a hand to those in the same boat. At age 49 he hit grad school and earned his counseling credentials. And he continues his service through Chipur and other projects.