Comprehensive Guide to Men’s Health Week
Men’s Health Week is observed in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India, and other countries around the world. It provides a platform to educate men and their families about the importance of early detection of health conditions, disease prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. The week takes place annually in […]
12 Most Common Men’s Mental Health Challenges
Though men and women face similar mental health challenges, men are less likely to connect with a professional.[2] Despite evolving expectations, unhealthy traditional masculine norms emphasizing dominance, strength, and stoicism still impact men’s lives. Phrases like “man up”, “toughen up”, “suck it up”, and “be strong” have been ingrained since childhood, limiting men’s experience and […]
Understand Queer, Bisexual, and Gay Men’s Mental Health
Queer men share similar mental health challenges to heterosexual men, but there are several notable differences that require consideration, reflection, and care.[1] Let’s delve into these differences, as well as some first steps, to better understand and navigate the mental health impacts of the challenges queer men face (including gay, bi, and men who have […]