27 Jul, 2024
6 mins read

10 Essential Water Safety Tips for Children with Autism

Water safety is crucial for every child, but it holds even more significance for children with autism. These children often face unique challenges around water, making it imperative for parents to be well-informed and proactive. This guide provides essential tips to ensure the safety of children with autism in and around water. Children with autism […]

4 mins read

Creating a Sensory Tool Kit for Autism: Essential Items and Tips

What is a sensory toolkit for autism? Have you ever felt bored, sensory overloaded, or full of energy and found yourself doodling in a notebook, fidgeting with a pen, or engaging in some activity to relieve that overwhelming sensation? If you have, you might have a glimpse into the experience of individuals with Autism Spectrum […]

2 mins read

Back-to-School Tips for Children with Autism: Effective Morning Routines

With the last few days of summer approaching, many of your are getting your kiddos ready for a new morning routine when the school year begins. Mornings can be hectic for any family or individual due to the number of tasks that need to be completed in a short amount of time. For children with […]

1 min read

Back-to-School Tips for Children with Autism: Navigating School Transitions Using Social Stories

The transition from summertime with relaxed schedules, fun activities, and different routines to early wake-up calls, sitting in a classroom, and new teachers and peers can be overwhelming and challenging to adapt to, especially for children diagnosed with ASD. There are several strategies that families can use to help their children prepare for the upcoming […]

5 mins read

5 Tips to Achieve Work-life Balance

By addressing the challenges of work and autism parenting, parents can better manage their professional and personal lives, ensuring they meet the needs of their children while pursuing their careers. Here are five practical strategies to help you overcome challenges and find a balance between work and personal life. Building a Supportive Relationship with Your […]

11 mins read

Emotional Regulation Skills | Five Tips and Strategies For Adults

Before we can regulate/manage an emotion, we need to know how to identify it and understand its purpose or message. Just like any challenge we encounter in life, we first need to have at least a basic understanding of what exactly it is that is causing us a problem before we can begin to change […]

4 mins read

Adventures Await! 5 Tips for Traveling with Autism

Traveling is an exhilarating experience that can open up new worlds, spark joy, and create unforgettable memories. For individuals with autism, the prospect of embarking on a journey might seem daunting, yet it holds the promise of remarkable adventures and personal growth. Here are five top tips to make traveling with autism a truly enriching […]

5 mins read

5 Tips to Fostering Expressing Emotions with Autism

Use Art as a Means of Expressing When exploring autism and self-expression, it’s crucial to acknowledge that emotional regulation can pose significant challenges for children with autism. Individuals with ASD often encounter struggles in comprehending others’ thoughts, interpreting facial expressions, understanding intentions, and maintaining eye contact. These challenges can lead to behaviors that may appear […]